I heard someone say a devastating phrase ‘we are not equal, we are only equal beneath the ground’. What happened? Where is the root of the tree that made us think that its branches do not stem from the same tree, of oneness. People have mistaken this word ‘oneness’ into ‘sameness’. But it is not, oneness embraces the connection we each have with our surroundings, as we distinctly experience it differently. We need to see that poverty is a manifestation of our own internal unbalance, and that the wars we see are conducted by our own brothers, sisters, sons, loved ones who feel it patriotic to act against another since that is their occupation. They too have mouths to feed and the society that ‘cares’ about them is breaking them into vicious creatures with no drop of empathy when killing a family. Bloodshed, hunger, are all reflections of each person in this planet, our own stories, thoughts, beliefs manifesting. The sense of community in every society, which is a blatant façade, masks an internal cry which most do not feel the need to be aware of. The way we, as a whole with obvious differences, have succumbed to petty labels of divisible nature, is sad. WE are more than that, more precious and amazing than what this world has made us think we are. To step into that awareness of how we have been deluded, and also deluded ourselves, is a great feel, not easy of course to embrace and unravel, because we love to feel that sense of belonging our communities give. We need to question though, if we deserve a sense of belonging that is not deep rooted, and that does not embrace our complete potential, but always constructs us into models of what they expect us to be. We have to rise above such limited existence. I do though, inner-stand that we have different cultures, backgrounds, but that should not be the only plane to which we choose to perceive this world. The love we truly are is that which a word cannot fathom, even the mind itself.
we all wake up to a new day. we all breath air. when someone we love dies, we feel the same kind of pain. or when someone breaks our hearts, its the anger, self pity, denial that feels our hearts. we all long for love and comfort. take away all our priviledges, each and everyone of us. take away the illusion that 'seems' to make us different and then answer this: who's to say we are not equal?